A Life Changing Summer Journey

 Early morning whale watching on the misty Oregon coast.

It's been almost two decades since I have seen the Northwest coast. I forgot how beautiful and moving it was. I was often in tears as I was constantly reminded that there is something so much bigger, and so much more powerful than ourselves.

It's so hard to capture this awe-inspiring beauty in photos, but I hope the pictures below inspired you to make this trip for yourself - it really is one of, if not the, most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. 


Warm wishes,

Unbelievable beauty on the coast of Oregon where the water meets the sky.

Sisters Rock, Oregon.

The Redwoods. I have never experienced silence like this. It was beyond magical.

Agate Beach, California. We camped close to this cliff and could hear waves crashing all night. Waking up to this was beyond words.

After hours of driving on twisty roads in the woods, we come out to this. I was moved to tears. 

My favorite place on earth, Mendocino California.

The stunning Sequoias. The smell was incredible.


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