Take Moment to Breathe (Part 1)

Take  Moment to Breathe (Part 1)

Take a moment and drop into your body. Feel your feet on the ground. Perhaps put one hand on your heart, and one hand on your abdomen. Take a few deep breaths. Turn your focus inward.

The Inspiration

Cherry blossom season is in full swing. Fix a cup of tea, relax and just soak in the beautiful photo above. Allow your mind, body, and spirit to drift to Japan for a soak while viewing the beautiful cherry blossoms. There is still a bit of crispness in the air, yet it's humid. All the plants which have been dormant, are now coming to life. Feel your soul coming back to life after a long winter.


Below is a beautiful haiku by Basho that captures this special time of year:

A Spring breeze is blowing
I’m bursting with laughter
— wishing for flowers


And here is a a link to a Cherry Blossom inspired playlist: Listen

Thought/Journal Prompts

Just sit back, take a moment to intentional relax, FEEL the season and the cherry blossoms falling. What do the falling petals mean to you? What can you let go of? If you feel called to release something or someone, allow yourself to feel grief while acknowledging the beauty of the passage of time. Acknowledge the beauty of the seasons of your life. Journal your thoughts if it feels right. Or, share in the comments below.

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