Early Evening Solitude: A Spring Bathing Ritual

Amayori Japanese Bathing RItuals
I love early evening baths in the spring. Normally my fall and winter baths occur shortly before bed. As soon as the weather begins to warm up, I find the ideal bath time is as the sun is going down. I tend to be home by myself at this time. I usually will make dinner first so I can spend the rest of the evening relaxing.
Right now I am finding so much happiness in Amayori’s Cherry Blossom Luxury Bath Salts. The fragrance matches the joy I feel when I step out the door every morning and realize it’s warm again. Cherry Blossom is also a tradition and when I breathe in the fragrance, I breathe in memories.
I always begin any bathing ritual by dry brushing by dry-brushing. Then I spray a bit of Cherry Blossom Sake Mood Spray on my shoulders. As is done in traditional Japanese bathing rituals, I take a quick shower before I take a bath.
One of the things that I love doing this time of year is having a cup (or two) of chilled sake while I am waiting for the bath to fill. I used to find this waiting cumbersome but now I look forward to it as part of my ritual. I lounge on the bed and read. I am currently reading the Tale of Genji - all of these things combined take me to Japan in heart, mind and spirit. I keep the lights low and may have some beautiful music playing in the background.
The Soak: There really is something so special about a spring bath. Spring is a time of new beginnings and rebirth. Maybe it has to do with knowing I am nourishing myself inside and out. I tend to take a little longer in the bath in spring. The water is always a little less hot and is a pleasure to soak in.
I try to do this a few times a week. I know scheduling a bath can be difficult when life is busy but we all know that once you make the time, it feels amazing. I find that I have to consciously schedule a bath in just as I would exercising, yoga, getting a facial, etc. I feel relaxing like this and nurturing myself is so important and affects my life in such a positive way that I make it a priority. Usually this requires some planing of my time such as making an easy dinner that evening and / or taking a short lunch so I can finish up my workday earlier.
And remember, if you don’t have a bath, there is always Shower Mochi.
Either way, the feeling of a bathing ritual this time of year is magical. Create your ritual and savor the beauty of spring.
Warm wishes always,
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