A Nighttime Routine for Better Sleep

A Nighttime Routine for Better Sleep
Amayori Nighttime Routine
One of my New Year's resolutions is to focus on my nighttime routine as much as I do my morning routine. Since sleeping well has always required a bit of extra effort for me, I have come up with a couple of things to do that have been helping me wind down and quiet my mind before bed. I have begun to see how important a nighttime routine is and how much it effects the next day. Here are some of the things I have committed to for 2016.
  • Tidy up: This is a great way to prepare for the next day. I tidy up my desk, kitchen, and bathroom – anywhere that needs it. I want to wake up to a clean slate and doing a bit of tidying helps me do just that.
  • Unplug: This is not easy. I have committed to stay away from all devices, (iPhone, iPad, etc.) for at least 30 minutes before turning off the lights. I had to dig up a few books (real ones – paper) that I always wanted to read but I feel this has helped my sleep tremendously. I suggest starting out with 15 minutes, then go for 30 minutes with the goal of building it up to an hour.
  • Aromatherapy: I have always been consistent with this one but have decided to double up. Normally I use the Dreams of Gion Botanical Perfume Oil before bed, now I am misting my pillow with Dreams of Gion Mood Spray as well. Be sure to check out our new pairing of these two products, the Limited Edition Dreams of Gion Peaceful Sleep Set.
  • Gratitude: I always do this in the morning but now do it at night as well. It helps me focus on all of the positive aspects of the past day and get away from the things I didn’t do. Better to end the day on a positive note.
So there are a few simple things that I hope help you as much as they are helping me. Wishing you many peaceful slumbers this year and always.
All best wishes,
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