How to Relax With Amayori's Aromatic Experiences

One evening about a year ago, I was taking a soak with Rotenburo Air Luxury Bath Salts after a very long day. I was trying to relax but I could not stop thinking about a huge to-do list that awaited me the next day. No matter what I did, thoughts kept creeping up until I had an unusual sensation – I didn’t want to think anymore.

I relaxed deeper into the scent of Rotenburo Air. And then I remembered the story of the fragrance. I decided that rather than try to quiet my mind and suppress my thoughts, I would replace them with the story and image of Rotenburo Air – the outdoor Japanese bath in the mountains.

Suddenly, I could hear the birds chirping. I could feel the cool of the mountain air on my face. From my bath, I could feel the heat of the bath water. Through fragrance, I could smell the fresh, clean, crisp air. Suddenly, I wasn’t in my New York apartment anymore - I was soaking in a mountainside rotenburo bath in Japan under the crisp blue sky.

This is when and where the concept for Amayori’s Aromatic Experiences was born. It also combines a concept of using a mantra for meditation that I learned while teaching and practicing Kundalini yoga. We are all women with busy lives. We have work, children, spouses, and responsibilities. Why should we be able completely silent our minds? If we were yogis on a mountain, that would be easy. Rather than be hard on ourselves because our minds can’t be silent, replace your thoughts with something else that allows you to relax and take a break from the day to day.

Each Amayori fragrance tells a story. Use this story as a vision. Escape with your imagination and allow the story and its fragrance to take you to another place. Look at the photographs that are used on the collection page for each Aromatic Experience. This is a great starting point for the imagination. Each product comes with a slip of rice paper in its box. Read this until it becomes part of you, just like a memory of travel. Let your mind escape to this new memory. You can do this for as little or as long as you’d like. Let this place of exotic beauty be a reprieve from your busy life. Use this as a mini vacation – a time and place for intentional rest and rejuvenation.

These journey of the soul and senses are not just for the bath. They can be used for any of Amayori's products whether it be a shower with Aromatic Body Wash and Shower Mochi or while sitting and enjoying the Home Essence.

If your read my journal entry last week, you know that soon we will take this experience even deeper with music. I am in the process of putting together playlists for you to enjoy that further enhance each Aromatic Experience. Stay tuned. I am testing these out and it is amazing. Fragrance, story, imagination, sound – a full on experience for the senses.

Warm wishes,




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