An Easy Weekend Morning Ritual


Little moments of tranquility can have such a rejuvenating impact on our lives. There are so many ways to make everyday moments more beautiful and mindful. All that’s required is a bit of effort, creativity, and intention.

I love to read after I meditate and exercise on weekend mornings. I just sit on my couch for 30 minutes or so and read whatever book currently is holding my attention, or I pick a random book and just dive in. What makes this moment go from “reading on the couch” to a weekend ritual is this:

Tea: I always make a cup of tea to sit down and read with. Tea stops us and takes us out of the day-to-day. I love using a mug that is aesthetically appealing and suits my mood.

Fragrance: My weekend morning fragrance of choice has always been the Rotenburo Air Home Essence. I keep my diffuser close to my living room couch. This is always turned on while I read.

These three elements together – a good book, tea, and fragrance – are something that I look forward to all week. Creating time for ourselves is an act of self-care. Take 30 minutes to go slowly and be contemplative. Don’t feel guilty. The world will go on and all will be well while you give yourself this gift of time. It’s yours – make it beautiful.

Warm wishes,


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